actual 10.3, previous 11.5
On January 31, 2025, at 08:00 AM, the economic event "Retail Sales YoY (Year-over-Year) for December" was reported for Armenia (country code: AM) with the currency AMD (Armenian Dram).
- Actual: 10.3%
- Estimate: 9%
- Previous: 11.5%
- Change: -1.2%
- Change Percentage: -10.435%
- Impact: Low
This event indicates the annual percentage change in retail sales for the specified month compared to the same month in the previous year. In this case, the actual retail sales YoY for December came in at 10.3%, which was lower than the previous month's figure of 11.5%. The actual value exceeded the estimated value of 9%, but it still showed a decrease from the previous period. The impact of this event on the market is considered low.